
Roasted broccoli, buffalo burger and pasta

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Flickr icon for counti8
Submitted by counti8 on Sat 2009-01-31 23:53 #

The rest of the ingredients: onions, garlic (roasted separately then added afterwards), diced tomatoes, sundried tomatoes, basil and parsley.

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Karen making dehydrated onions

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Flickr icon for Yuri Bohemian
Submitted by Yuri Bohemian on Sun 2009-04-05 20:50 #

I'm thinking of buying this food dehydrator, but does it allow u to control the temperature?
How do u like this model?

Yuri :D

Flickr icon for sillygwailo
Submitted by sillygwailo on Sun 2009-04-05 21:48 #

It doesn't do temperature control, alas. It's definitely an entry-level dehydrator. It worked for us, though we had to use time as our measurement that controlled the amount of dehydration, since it only got to a certain temperature.

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