
Find and replace within multiple text files in all subdirectories on Unix systems
I used sed instead of perl, but it came in handy recently. xargs rocks.
Why Vista will mean the end of the Microsoft monolith
"It could be that purely networked enterprises like the Linux project are actually a better way of producing very complex products, much as Toyota's 'lean' production system is the best way of making cars."
IBM Internet Technology Group chose Drupal over Typo3, Movable Type, and Mambo
First part of their "Using open source software to design, develop, and deploy a collaborative Web site" series. (Typo in one of the graphics.)
Pamela Jones on the Economist open source article and SCO.
Also: "Wikipedia is not an Open Source project."
SFU library doesn't like Linux
"[R]ather than locking out their Linux users completely by popping up an error message, they should have offered us something."
China's bet on Linux

Revolution OS

Watched Revolution OS DVD.

A documentary about the open source movement, with the major players (Richard Stallman, Eric Raymond, Linux Torvalds and VA Linux CEO Larry Augustin) receiving most of the interview time. There was only one woman who had an important role, if we're to believe the documentary, that being Christine Peterson of the Forsight Institute who helped coin the term "open source". Oh, and narrator of the film, she was important too.