
<a href="">Drupal</a>-powered hosted service. Also my employer.

Is Boris Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Photo by Sarah Pullman.

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Flickr icon for Duane Storey
Submitted by Duane Storey on Wed 2007-01-17 00:15 #

That's a good shot of Boris.

Flickr icon for sarahfelicity
Submitted by sarahfelicity on Wed 2007-01-17 10:53 #

He does look rather dashing, doesn't he.

Flickr icon for walkah
Submitted by walkah on Wed 2007-01-17 10:55 #

very saucy

The above comments will not display in the recently updated section because they are syndicated directly from the Flickr photo.

group: Bryght
Preview release of Bryght&#039;s hosted Drupal 5 sites
No install, beautiful new theme, easier to use administrator interface, CSS in a box.
Multisite and Mass hosting Drupal
"This tool is called HostMaster, and is Bryght's answer to mass hosting Drupal."

What Should I Do With sillygwailo.*.com?

I have a Vox site, a LiveJournal site, and a site at,, and, respectively. The Vox site where I used to make brief quips, when I should really use it for more community-like things; the LiveJournal site I use for writing a private journal to my LJ friends; and the site I used for cynical search engine optimization experiments, though I'm thinking of using it something else (see below). I'd like to continue using all three, but two of them suffer from the same limitation that doesn't affect the LiveJournal site: on Vox and you can't post without a title and reliably get a nice permalink. Both and Vox require titles, while LJ does not. With technically you can, but in the themes I've tried, the permanent link doesn't appear on the front page. For those that don't actually read blog posts but look at tables, here are the services broken down:

Service Requires Titles Permalinks For Posts With No Title Domain Pointing
Vox Yes N/A (title required, though they suggest some if you don't add one yourself; permanent links based on the title, using underscores, shudder) No?
LiveJournal No Yes (all permanent links have the post ID as the 'slug') Yes No No (it makes permanent links, using the post ID as the 'slug', but they don't show on the front page) Yes
Drupal/Bryght Yes Sort of. Yes*

(I totally snuck "Drupal/Bryght" in there since the company I work for offers a Drupal-powered hosted service and I made sure I snagged while it was available. You can fake permanent links in the theme, and I have an asterisk * with the domain pointing column since you would have to 'rename' the site to a domain, effectively losing the suffix.)

So what should I do with the sites that aren't Because I have them, I'm morally obligated to do something with them. is the best candidate for a "Richard asks questions he's too lazy to research himself", and Vox seems to have more community features built-in than the others, other than LJ, which I use for private stuff. Domain pointing is nice, but not really necessary for me, at least not now. (Though I understand the importance of domain pointing, in that it gives you flexibility if, for whatever reason, you want to change services so that you don't have to change URLs. Flickr, I'm looking in your direction.) Is there a service like LJ—that, y'know, isn't LJ—that gives me a subdomain, has permalinks on the front page but doesn't require a title for each post?

How Lee and Sachi do it: travel blogging on The World Is Not Flat
A great video explaining how they use their site (powered by Drupal, hosted by Bryght, designed by Raincity Studios) to share their stories.
James at FSOSS

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Flickr icon for sarahfelicity

sarahfelicity added a note: who chose the colour for those shirts? i do *not* approve. ;)

Flickr icon for sarahfelicity

sarahfelicity added a note: When used in this context, however, I approve. :)

group: Bryght

Notes on "Documentation: A Key to Openness" at the Free and Open Source Symposium

At the Free and Open Source Software Symposium at Seneca College at York University (not the Markham campus, to my embarrasment), I came in late to the documentation and openness presentation and took some brief notes. Presenter Chris Tyler recommended breaking documentation tasks into beats, which I interpreted to mean have leaders/managers/editors assign documentation tasks, push them just hard enough to write quality and up-to-date documentation, and not assume that "the community" will automatically contribute. (Near the end of the presentation he wondered why many open source projects have, as their suggestion for users' first contribution to the project, writing documentation if they are possibly the least familiar with the product. It might be that I misinterpreted this, but there is some value in encouraging those who are—or, even better, were—frustrated with a portion of the software to voice their frustration at the quality of documentation and submit their own so that others might come in and edit and, if necessary, bring the documentation up to the standards of the project.) He had a favourable opinion of projects like MySQL (or, the example I would have used, as documentation websites allowed for comments where people can comment with their alternate solution or a correction that might later be incorporated into the official text. He also liked the idea of people writing HOWTOs on their own weblogs. He complained about the unidirectional nature of links in the current version of the Web (2.0 if you didn't already know), but documentation with comments open would permit dropping a link in the official documentation's page, making it a "manual trackback" of sorts.

In the discussion, someone mentioned that there's a balance between professional quality and community input. As well, someone mentioned the desire for a balance between community involvement and appropriate length of documentation (especially true of wiki pages, but also applies to documentation with comments enabled), as individual pages may become unwieldy over time. Video documentation (the word screencast wasn't mentioned, but many software packages defy easy written description but can be shown in a few minutes or even seconds). The other problem Chris mentioned about documentation —other than asking users to contribute help texts when they may not be familiar with the product, addressed above—was translation of documentation and keeping the translations synced up, especially with documentation in wiki format. A few times the people in the room mentioned the need for new tools but a lot of the problems sound like they can be solved better socially or organizationally.

Naturally metadata made its way into the discussion, and more than 2 people were frustrated with the way the Google search engine is setup for people to find documentation. I don't share their frustration, nor do I share the frustration with the seeming lack of authority of documentation found on sites other than the project's official website, because for the vast majority of problems I needed solved I've found through a basic search engine. Granted that much documentation needs to be 'tagged' for the version that it describes, but the tools for doing that exist: it's a matter of "just" doing it.

Some things not addressed by the presentation, at least not while I was there was documentation hosted services based on open source software? While I'll be the first one to admit that <ahref="">Bryght's support documentation is not always complete (that's what the support forums are for, so that people can ask questions and then we can update the documentation with our answer) nor is it always up to date (mea culpa), Bryght has a larger degree of control over what version of the software running there than a downloadable product, since Bryght does all the updates for everybody. I'd also be interested in how companies contribute their documentation back to the communities from which they run their hosted services (or even from where they get the software they host a possibly modified version of for download). People are free to use Bryght's documentation for their purposes since it's licensed under the Creative Commons, though there's no automated way other than screen scraping or copy & pasting to migrate documentation from one place ( to another.

Next up, in a few minutes, is Eric Shepherd's presentation on documentation in the open source world. From the looks of the summary, it looks to be about developer documentation, not end-user documentation, which I think is more interesting if we're to help sell people on open source.
