Boris Mann

Kris Krug's photo of Boris adorns an article about Huntingdon's Disease
If you mouseover the photo it says "Man Sleeping". It would have been much more clever if it said "Mann Sleeping". (Karen's joke, so she gets the credit.)
Boris Mann, Hands In Pockets

To help prevent his hands from spontaneously waving?

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group: Bryght
Is Boris Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Photo by Sarah Pullman.

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Flickr icon for Duane Storey
Submitted by Duane Storey on Wed 2007-01-17 00:15 #

That's a good shot of Boris.

Flickr icon for sarahfelicity
Submitted by sarahfelicity on Wed 2007-01-17 10:53 #

He does look rather dashing, doesn't he.

Flickr icon for walkah
Submitted by walkah on Wed 2007-01-17 10:55 #

very saucy

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group: Bryght
Boris Mann at Subeez

Taken by Darren Barefoot.

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Boris and His Scare Quotes at Subeez

Photo taken by Darren Barefoot. Celia, Will and his peeps pay attention.

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Flickr icon for walkah
Submitted by walkah on Mon 2006-10-16 11:05 #

i love me the scare quotes

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