White Teeth by Zadie Smith

Finished reading White Teeth by Zadie Smith

Really great book, which I bought at Powell's Books late at night and started reading at the Portland Coffee House that night. Bought it because late one night the month previous I saw the made-for-TV special based on the book, but only the second half, so I wanted to know how it started. The second half of the book differs enough from the series—the principle example being the back-story about the French doctor and the denouement of that thread—to make that part of the book worthwhile too. Really great insight into immigrant British culture caught between their two "homes" as well biraciality (if that's a real word) of Irie, one of the principal characters of the novel.

I've already quoted from the book twice: once about the twentieth century, and another about teenage smokers, and I'm keeping track of the author's mentions in weblogs.