
Not the Droids you were looking for?

A parody Facebook public profile I whipped up, using MarkyBon's photo of R2-D2 and C-3PO as the "profile photo". See the original size for detail.

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Welcome to Apple Dei
A one-page satire by Darren Barefoot.

The Awful, Contradictory Advertising Network

In the spirit of 43 Thongs, I introduce The Dreck, the awful, contradictory advertising network. If I spent more time on it, it could have been funnier, but as is, it's a parody of The Deck, the exclusive, almost haughty ad network for high-traffic sites by designers. (My site is low-traffic, and I'm not a designer.) The sites in the network that I read regularly:, whose micropatron initiative I supported; Daring Fireball, which I am a paying member of; and For sites that are included in an ad network that target design professionals, they don't feature a lot of writing about web design (maybe that's why it's “web and design” and not "web design"?). Both Andy Baio and John Gruber linked to or mentioned Jason Kottke's article about joining, and it seemed a little self-congratulatory (especially Jeffrey Zeldman's announcement), and therefore ripe for mockery. The sales material for The Deck says the following:

We're picky about the advertising we'll accept. We won't take an ad unless we have paid for and/or used the product or service. Sell us something relevant to our audience and we'll sell you an ad.

No word on whether what those in the ad network actually think of the product. And who is the "we"? Does that mean that everybody has to buy the product? I'd love to see, in the ads on each individual site, a link to a review by that site's author, with the disclosure that they're part of the network. But enough soapboxing: The Deck at this writing does not validate HTML 4.01. For the sole purpose of showing them up, my parody validates using modern XHTML 1.1.

You'll note the placement of a Google ad: I put that there because I thought it would be funny. (Do you agree?) Regardless of its comedic value, I will donate all revenue from that ad to the Vancouver Community Network, a non-profit Internet service provider that hosts websites and provides dial-up (among other services) for non-profits and low-income residents of the Lower Mainland. I'd hate to make money of this kind of thing.

43 Parodies

Last year while attending Gnomedex last year in Seattle, I met the guys behind the Robot Co-op. There are a bunch of photos on Flickr of that infamous morning, which we (my co-workers at Bryght) dubbed 43 Bryght Robots. We were impressed with both with what they were doing and that they were doing it with a small team of hackers, and we were given a sneak peek at 43 Places, the location-based version of their popular 43 Things. They since launched 43 People, and though the novelty has worn off a bit, they're all still useful sites to go back to now and then. I've tried to keep my 43 Places page up to date, and since I'll be going to some more places in the next 3 months, that should continue.

After finally tracking down the font they used for their logo—which took longer than it needed to, but that was because I had set working on it to get real work done—and after seeing Jen post a photo of her thongs, I'm "releasing" ("unleashing"?) the parody site 43 Thongs. The site shows a selection of photos that people have posted to Flickr tagged with 'thongs', though not photos of people wearing the uncomfortable (so I've been told) type of underwear. No, the thongs you put on your feet when going to the beach.

Not being a lawyer, but having some understanding of copyright law, I'm protected because the site is clearly a parody. If the Robots ask me to take the site down, that's fine. It would be one less thing to maintain, after all. My guess is that they have a sense of humour about it though. Now for someone—not me—to make a parody of their other sites. After thinking about it for 5 minutes, "43 Plagues" and "43 Soylent Greens" are funny enough parody titles, but I'm sure if we put our minds together, we can come up with something funnier.

Some technical notes: the site is powered by Drupal (what else?) and hosted by Bryght (who else?), who don't (necessarily) endorse the site or its contents. But who would object to photos of pink sandals covered in sand? The font the Robots use is American Typewriter (if you have a Mac, don't buy it, as you already have it), hence the logo on the parody site looking close to that of the site it parodies.

Fucking Things Up: The Art of Productivity-Free Stress
I have first-hand stories to contribute if it ever goes to press.