Interesting "Newcomer"

According to Technorati, I'm an interesting "newcomer". No real point in linking to it, because it's obviously time-sensitive, but what the hell: if you're reading this say, in November of 2003 or later, here's a link to a page that I'm no longer listed on. Too bad that Technorati is late to the ballgame: this weblog has been interesting since December 2000, so obviously it doesn't have a metric for how awesome the weblog is regardless of the amount of inbound links. It's been interesting in varying degrees over time, of course, and this site would regain some of it's interestingness if I would republish a static page I took offline last year, not to mention the dozens of posts that are set to Draft (merely because they have no title; don't worry, I fully intend to publish the ones that make me look bad if the link hasn't rotted), not to mention the 1,000 or so personal—which is to say the haircut blog— entries without links.

All that may happen later this year.

Time passes.

Oh good, my weblog is no longer "interesting". I can resume being myself.