Burrard Station Cherry Blossoms

Burrard Station Cherry Blossoms

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Flickr icon for lisaakemi
Submitted by lisaakemi on Wed 2007-03-28 10:54 #

every day when I get to Burrard Station there are a million people taking pictures of these trees. it's nice because usually everyone is in a rush and we're all just trying to get into the station without getting soaked... when I go in off Melville everyone is taking pics, I feel bad running down the stairs and ruining everyones shots... "yeah, sorry I'm late for work, but you know, cherry blossoms at Burrard Station... what can you do?"

Flickr icon for sillygwailo
Submitted by sillygwailo on Wed 2007-03-28 11:40 #

That's funny: I was "late" for work that day too. (I don't have set hours, and go to the office whenever I want, since they don't care as long as I get everything done during the day.) If I'm taking SkyTrain, I usually get off at Waterfront, but I knew from a photo I saw a few days ago--forget where--that the cherry blossoms were blooming. I had decided the night before that I'd get off at Burrard first, and take some photos before hopping back on the train to work. There was a Chinese lady taking photos there, and I smiled at her, and we had a short conversation about how the sun wasn't in the most ideal position at 10 AM to get the best light.

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